Ahead of a March 19, 2021 cinema release date, the official poster for La Femme Anjola has been unveiled. The twisty thriller is the latest collaboration between superstar actress Rita Dominic and acclaimed director Mildred Okwo. The poster designed by Amaju Adomi leans heavily into Okwo’s creative vision, highlighting La Femme Anjola’s noir film influences.

The photograph taken by August Udoh features Dominic in character as the titular femme fatale alongside actor/singer Nonso Bassey as Dejare the young man who gets sucked into her orbit. Chiaroscuro lighting is deployed with window bars crossing the face of the characters, insinuating that the couple is trapped within their circumstances.

La Femme Anjola starts streaming online DECEMBER 3, 2021 at ANJOLA.net. Get your tickets