Leading Nollywood actress Rita Dominic has added another award to her very impressive trophy case. This latest accolade is for emerging the Best Actress at the GIAMA Awards 2014, for her performance in Frank Rajah’s upcoming epic tale; Iyore. The third edition of the Golden Icons Academy Movie Awards was held in Houston Texas on October 25, 2014. Frank Rajah also picked up the award for Producer of the year alongside Kwame Boadu. Iyore also took home the awards for Best Make-up and Best Costume.

Iyore means “The Return: A Life After Life“. It is based on the history and the culture of the people of Benin, Nigeria. It explores a tragic love story centered on the rich culture of pre-colonial Benin through to the present day of Benin while exploring the supernatural ideas of reincarnation. It was shot in Nigeria, and stars Rita Dominic, Joseph Benjamin, Okawa Shaznay, Paul Obazele, Yemi Blaq and Bukky Wright.